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5 Ways Cloud Telephony Resolves Communication Problems For Your Business

There is no substitute for providing exceptional customer service and facilitating smooth internal communication operations if you want to stay on top of your competitors. Moreover, an effective communication strategy can help your business to grow.


An international report published by Holmes described that businesses globally lose a whopping $37 billion every year owing to poor communication. Therefore it is extremely essential for your businesses to focus on your communication processes and make changes if you want to cut down the losses and take over the competition.


Acquiring customers is the biggest challenge for most businesses. Being proactive rather than reactive can help your business. For example, you must be vigilant about never missing a call. Now that could be a small thing but a single missed call from your customers can make your business appear unprofessional and insensitive towards their needs.


This was just one example of a small gesture that can make your business shine out from your competitors. Here are a few more that you can achieve with MOBtexting Cloud Telephony to take on the competition and offer exceptional service. 


1. Call Queue Management:


MOBtexting cloud telephony offers a call queue management feature that makes it less likely to miss a call. Even if your agents are busy, still no calls will go missed. If a customer calls your business, and the line is busy, the customer is put on queue and plays custom music on hold of your choice. The agents are notified of the incoming calls. This lets agents know that they need to quickly wrap up the current call in order to answer the next call in the queue. 


2. Live Call Monitoring:


This is an excellent feature that lets the call manager see the number of active incoming and outgoing calls. Call managers also get to see other details, for example, the number of busy agents and total call duration and many more such details. With this feature, you can monitor the live status of calls and manage your agents more smartly. 


3. Call Barge:


With this feature, you or the call manager can listen to live calls between their agents and customers. Call managers can also share tips and guide agents while listening to the live calls. They can also join the conversation with the customer if required and answer the query.


4. Call Announcement:


Usually, agents answer the call without knowing who is on the other side. But the call announcement feature solves this communication problem. It lets the agents obtain information about the callers. This provides agents more context about the caller and delivers a better response to the problem. 


5. Call Forwarding:


In a normal scenario, if an important client dials your business number and the employee is still on his way to the office, the call will be sorely missed. But not any more missed calls with cloud communication solutions. MOBtexting easily handles this communication problem with the Call Forwarding solution.


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